Projekt: Benjamin Stiefel
Die oben abgebildete Postkarte zeigt eines der dänischen Rettungsboote, das in der Gedenkstätte Yad Vashem in Jerusalem zu sehen ist. Der englische Text auf der Postkarte lautet:
During World War II. the Danish People succeeded in frustrating Nazi Germany’s intentions of deporting Denmark’s 8,000 Jews to death camps in the east. The deportations, which were to be part of the ‘final solution’ for the destruction of European Jewry, was set in Denmark for the 1st of October, 1943. A courageous rescue operation was carried out by the members of the Danish underground which assisted 7,200 Jews to escape to Sweden. The boat smuggled Jews from the coast of Denmark, near the town Gillelje, to waiting fishing boats at sea, continued their journey to Sweden. The boat has been placed here to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the rescue of Danish Jewry. The Jewish people will forever remember this noble deed.