Joel (Julius) Strauss and Abraham Strauss (Alfred Strauss’ grandfather ) were the last members of the Jewish congregation who lived with their families in Rothenkirchen. Early in 1906 Julius Strauss had already sold his house and adjoining property and announced that he was moving his family to Burghaun. Under these circumstances Herman Speier from Burghaun, who was the district executive of the Jewish congregations, requested in March of 1906 the dissolution of the Jewish congregation of Rothenkirchen. He was pretty much outraged and quoted as saying:
”One member doesn’t constitute a congregation! Therefore I file for dissolution of the congre-gation and that its active and passive property be allocated to the Burghaun congregation. Abraham Strauss’ children should relish their religious education here at Burghaun, unless Mr. Strauss prefers paid private lessons by the teacher from Burghaun or the one from Wehrda."
Rothenkirchen - ancestral seat of the Strauss family up to 1907
Children of Abraham and Emilie Strauss about 1900. From the left, standing: Julie (*1889), Bertha (*1887), seated: Meta (*1891), Paula (*1893) and  Joseph (*1895)