The Jewish Families of Huenfeld in 1933

1.  The Jakob Floersheim family - livestock dealership, ”Fuldastrasse” 6
Jakob Floersheim (*02.11.1878) operated a dealership selling skins, livestock, wagon grease, and leather oil -dubbin-. Jakob and his wife Fanny née  Rosenbaum (*05.30.1878) had three sons. Two of them apparently emigrated to the U.S.A. before 1930. Max (*04.20.1909) moved to Frankfurt/Main in order to serve an apprenticeship. All members of the family emigrated to New York, the Floersheim couple followed suit in 1933.

2.  The Joseph Strauss family - gocery store, ”Fuldastrasse” 8  (nowadays ”Gartenstrasse” 1,
     metal processing Co.)
Joseph Strauss (*07.21.1895 in Rothenkirchen) and his wife Lilli née Wertheim (*11.09.1903 in Naumburg near Kassel) had three children: Emilie (*03.23.1927), Alfred (*05.26.1930), and Gertrud (*11.01.1934). In the 1930ies Lilli’s parents Isaak Wertheim (*10.29.1867) and his wife Frieda née Wertheim (*03.05.1976) left Naumburg and moved in with the Strauss family in Huenfeld.  (A detailed family history of the Strauss’ is part of this presentation)

3.  The Albert Floersheim family - livestock dealership, Fuldaer Berg 20 (  )
Albert Floersheim (*10.04.1889) was married to Else nee´ Sander (*11.13.1888 in Oberbieber/ Neuwied). Their marriage was blessed with two daughters: Berta (*11.12.1921) married Neuhaus, and Erika (*08.24.1924) married Neu. In 1937 the whole family emigrated to New York, where Albert Floersheim died in 1948.

4.  The Isak Steinberger family - men’s tailoring and fashion ware, Fuldaerberg 20 (   )
Isak Steinberger (*10.27.1882) and his wife, Hulda nee´ Rabenstein (*10.15.1886 in Tann) had two sons: Fritz (* 09. 06.1915), and Martin (*03.31.1921). In September of 1939 Fritz and his parents moved to Fulda. Whereas Fritz emigrated to England, Isak and Hulda, together with a total of 132 Jews from Fulda, were deported on December 08, 1941 to the Riga Ghetto. 1942 they were taken to the death camp Minsk in Belorussia.
In June of 1936 Martin moved from Huenfeld to Frankfurt/ Main in order to attend a Jewish business school. After having experienced the horrors of ”Crystal Night” he fled Germany, and joined his elder brother in London, where he currently still lives. He has been keeping in contact with his hometown Huenfeld for many years.