 Dr. med. Carl Dellevie
The Hersfeld Gymnasium (later called the old "monastery" school) at the New Market, which Carl Dellevie attended from 1825 to 1831. The photo shows the school in the year 1876.  On the right in the picture is the former orphanage, which was replaced in 1909 by the new main building of the Gymnasium.
At Eastertime in 1825, Carl Dellevie enrolled in the Hersfeld Gymnasium, where he took his Abitur examinations in March 1931, which he passed brilliantly. The Abitur certificate of March 17, 1831 attests to his consistently good proficiency, even "very good" in Greek and history, and "for the most part very good proficiency in Latin."  His Hersfeld teachers evaluated him as being "quite well prepared for academic [university] studies."  In their comments, they attested to his "very good ability and largely first-rate studiousness," as well as "a laudatory attentiveness, for the most part." One further comment: "His behavior was good."
Carl Dellevie's Abitur certificate of March 17, 1831
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