Project: Herz Hess
The house on the former Kassel Street in the new part of Rotenburg was called "the rental barracks." Herz Hess had built it around 1865 and rented it to the Prussian state for soldiers' accomodations, that is, as a barracks.  At first the building housed artillerymen who had been released from the cavalry after the war of 1870-71, until they too were relocated to Kassel in 1889.
After World War II the firm Haack and Co. bought it to use as office space.

As the notice in the Rotenburg Kreisblatt [a local newspaper] of November 10, 1866 indicates, Herz Hess was also an important business partner for the military administration even before the construction of the barracks. [The notice indicates that Hess will be responsible for the provision of oats, hay, and straw for the soldiers' horses.