Project: Herz Hess
Herz Hess also played an important role in civic life.  From 1873 on, he was active as a member of non-standing committees in the town hall, a sort of precursor to the later local parliament [Stadtverordnetenversammlung. In 1888 he was even elected to the highest [governmental] body of the town, the 8-person " citizens' standing committee," [ständiger Bürgerausschuss, later called Magistrat.] – and in fact with the highest number of votes, as can be seen in the election results as published in the Rotenburg Kreisblatt of Sept. 8, 1888 [shown above, at left].  He held this post, which more or less corresponded to being a member of a town council or a municipal administration, until his death in 1892.
Kreisblatt v. 8. Sept. 1888
Rotenburg Town Hall (right sideof the painting)