Samuel Goldschmidt |
H. L. (hier liegt begraben)
Schmul Sohn des Schlomo Ein … Mann alle Tage seines Lebens Ein Mann, der die Früchte seiner Arbeit genoss Er liebte die Menschen Er starb in gutem Namen am 10. Elul und wurde begraben am 12. des Elul 5645 Seine Seele sei eingebunden in den Bund des Lebens (10. Elul 5645 = Freitag, 21. August 1885)
Samuel Goldschmidt
H. L. Shmuel son of Shlomo an ..... man all the days of his life a man who ate of the fruit of his labors [one row] he loved people ... he died in good name on the 10th of Elul and was buried on the 12th of Elul 5645 May his soul be bound in the knot of life. [10 Elul 5645=Friday 21 August 1885]
Samuel Goldschmidt p. t. Shmuel bar Shlomo ish holekh tamim b'kol yamav ish akhal m'yagia kapav [1 row] ohev habriot... niftar b'shem tov yud Elul v'nikbar b'yom yud bet Elul taf-resh-mem-heh tantzeva |
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